Toll Control


Toll Control is the newest member of E-Transit’s toll collection system technology suite. It is based on decades of toll collection design experience by a team that is driven to provide systems that are highly accurate, easy to use, reliable, and simple to maintain.

The latest Linux, Windows, Java, .Net, TCP/IP, digital video, intelligent I/O, and database technologies are used throughout. Secure remote access and remote support is available at all times. Operation in multiple manned and unmanned lane configurations is fully supported.

Toll Control

Fully graphical toll collector terminals are easy to customize and allow for legacy operator procedures, agency-specific payment methods, etc.

Toll Control

User-friendly system status screens show real-time information, and offer complete command & control of toll plaza operations.

Toll Control

Revenue management and auditing screens provide high-level summaries with "drill-down" detail to any toll transaction.

Additional Features:

Interfaces to industry-standard “in-lane” devices: